Register for access to Open Ed Graph

Step 1: Licensing and attribution

Open Ed Graph is licensed under the Creative Commons “CC BY” license. To help users understand the language of these licenses, Creative Commons publishes a “Commons Deed ”, a human-readable, easy-to-understand version of the license. The Deed itself is not part of the technical legal code, but it helps you understand what is required.

To gain access to our APIs and data, you need to attribute the MIT Mapping Lab.

Step 2: Other terms & conditions

The MIT Mapping Lab does not endorse any product or research using Open Ed Graph.

Step 3: Subscribe to the access list

When you subscribe, you provide your name, email and name of your organization (or business). You will get a subscribe confirmation request in your email immediately after registering.

After verifying your email, your request will take around 1–3 business days to be approved. When approved, you will receive an email with your API access key and can begin using Open Ed Graph.


* indicates required

You must check the checkbox terms in Step 1.

Continue onto the Open Ed Graph docs.